Yerevan, Artsakh Ave. 28/15 Open 9:00-18:00 +(374)10-43-44-77

Repair parts

We only supply original parts from manufacturers.The company Liugong takes quality issues very seriously. Therefore, buying spare parts for agricultural machinery produced by Liugong, you can be sure that their quality is not inferior to the quality of the originally installed parts. They are made by the same masters and on the same equipment, always ideally suited and faultlessly serve.

  1. Quick-wear parts can always be found in our warehouse, the rest of the parts can be ordered.
  2. Deliveries of spare parts are carried out by air or by DHL courier service.
  3. No risk, no fuss... For many years, your equipment for agricultural machinery will work as new.
  4. Specmash supplies farmers with original spare parts and consumables for agricultural machinery imported more than 30 thousand items.
  5. At the disposal of customers of the company spare parts for tractors, combines, and forage equipment, machines for fertilizer, repair equipment, tools and special literature.
  6. The spare parts available are five levels of quality control.
  7. Qualified engineers will help customers to correctly determine the name and drawing code of the required parts, make an application, give recommendations on the operation and repair of agricultural machinery.

Suren Babayan

Chief Mechanic


Constantine Gulis

Spare parts sales manager


Haykaz Petrosyan

Chief Engineer
